Who We Are

Chad Steinke

Job Captain

AAA, BArch, MArch

With over 16 years of experience in the field of Architecture, and 7+ years in the Edmonton market and across Western Canada, Chad Steinke brings a strong technical background, complete with design sensibilities to the project team.  He is dedicated to providing diligent service to each client and is determined to see them succeed. With a passion for urban design, Chad brings a broad experience base, ranging from site planning, multifamily and single- family projects, to mixed use and commercial developments.


Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, 2018-Current

Professional Certificate, Project Management

Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, 2003

Diploma, Architectural Technology

Experience with Gardner Architecture Inc.

(2019 to present)

Polish Heritage Society:  Centre Polonia, $6-$9 Million

CDL: Marquis Apartments, $35-$45 Million

CDL: Meadowhaven Apartments, $25-$35 Million

Heritage Valley Capitol: Heritage Circle Apartments, $30-$40 Million

Copperblock: Inglewood Apartment, $8,000,000

Experience with previous firms (2003 – 2019)

3Leafs Group: Various Residential Projects, $1-$5 Million

Dominion Diamond Corporation:  Ekati Mine, $10-15 Million

Maclab Development Group: Tekarra Lodge Redevelopment, $5-$7.5 Million

Civeo Group Inc.: Suncor McClelland Lake Lodge, Workforce Accommodations, $50-$75 Million

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